Sunday, November 25, 2007

Didn't got selected for OTC..went for the damn appeal.

Basically the appeal was all about selling yourself like you are some hooker and suck some balls as well. Most people did a real darn fine job. Guess I'm the only idiot that didn't did those.

So yea...didn't got selected again. But it was all expected. Before they ended the thing, they told us not to give us hope bla bla bla...but that's pretty much bullshit. Hope? More like False hope.

Didn't got in for 2 years in a! And the best part is people more fucked up then me got in...kudos to them. Anyway, talked to a couple of friends who are ex-GLs and they told me how the system really works.

1. It really pays to be in SU subcomm...look at how how many people from SU got in..that in itself speaks volumes.

2. It is even better to have connections...that's how some people got in.

3. It is also good to be their good friends.

4. Must know how to suck balls.

5. It is a definate bonus if you are a chio bu. This is a simple fact. Pretty girls can get in easily because they wanna portray TP as the place to be...with hot gals and stuff.

Now we know...and don't get me wrong..I didn't thought of friends told me no hard feelings =]

Ok. I have probably given up hope. Join again next year? It will end up in a big fat dissapointment again...that's for sure. Some really good people like Duke also cannot get in...what more can I say? Just because I can't give model answers or sell myself and suck your balls doesn't mean I'm not up for the job.

Passion. How do you define 'passion'? What's left of it if this 'passion' gets trampled on again and again? Lemme tell turns to 'Hatred'.

Ok..enough of these lest I be labelled a sourgrape. So good luck to those that got in. Hope you guys can have fun and form that special bond that I will never in my pathetic TP life experience.

Peace out assholes and fucktards out there~