It's gonna be a long bear with lim beh..if buey song can fuck off.
First of!
Ok..the main thing now..
Camp in my opinion was a sense that we got a feel for the OLs and their pattern and style etc. The main thing was that during parts of the camp I can see them smiling from ear to ear having fun. Sure there are some that are the black sheep but still it was great to see it all come together.
Won't really talk more about it. The main point of this post is reflections and here goes..
To the 'freshies' that never been an OL before:
From the moment you decided to take up that should know that the responsibilty entrusted upon you is great and expections are high. A camp itself will never be able to inculcate the values and responsibility you should have but I DO hope that you will be able to make that best out of it and strive on for greater success. You are the future of the school and club and I hope the fire will burn stronger than ever.
To the year 2s coming Year 3s:
You bunch of lao now you should know what is expected of you. I hope that you will lead by example and inspire others to greater heights. Having been in the club for 2 years you should know how important Week 0 is so expections are exceptionally high for you guys. You guys are our elites...our frontline..don't disappoint me! I really have great expections for you guys. Not only that, after year 3, you won't have any more chance to be part of I hope that you guys will really make the most out of this opportunity to shine brighter than the night sky.
To the 'Just-Grads':
It's been a short 3 years. Too short...this is our last try to leave our mark in the school. 1 last shot. Period. Let us all strive together and leave with a bang! Having poured heart and soul for 3 years(or shorter), the curtain is closing, now it's IT..For PRIDE, GLORY, and most of all, for LOVE of the club, school, and our FUTURE.
To my beloved programmers:
I will miss the meetings we had. I will miss the lunch sessions we had. I will miss the filtering process. I regret that I am not able to be there with you all whenever you all needed me..for that I have failed in my duties. That aside..throughout this amzing journey, I can feel the bond between us..strengthening with every argument, debate and agreements. Though I might not show it, I love you guys from the bottom of my heart for being my very best proggers. I savour every moment I spend with you guys..chasing flying chickens and smelling fucking smelly farts from Ryan. Throughout this you guys have matured and I hope that you will continue to shine brightly. Programmers are not are are sibeh kam pua ZAI! Bear that in mind. I will miss you all...I really do.
To the main comms:
I thank you so so so much for letting me be involve in this major event. Through it I have learnt not how to plan or what, but most importantly, to grow up and mature and of course learn about the complexities of human nature. Rest assured your faith will not be blind, for I will do what it takes to make this a successful Week 0. Let this be our swan song, to lead by example. Grudges will be forgotten, bygones be bygones..let us all work hard together for our 1 common goal. Let this main comm be the one that's gonna bring back glory days!
To everyone:
Now..this truely is the last chapter in my poly life. I want to leave with a mark..but I can't do it alone..I need all of your help. Help me..will you? For the past 3 years my loyalty has been dealt with with distrust and discord. Year 1 I was sacked from basketball despite training like a dog. Year 2, I faithfully do every shit for AC and what I got was not deserved. Year 3. IITSC. You guys embraced me with open arms despite me being a jackass. Together we shared tears and joy, through thick and thin. You guys are like my 2nd family. The club room is my 2nd house. Thank you!
So this is my final swan song before I leave. Will you all help me have the best memory in my last chapter?