Wednesday, May 27, 2009

16 more days to enlistment.

Ok..Graduation was OK. But wasn't feeling right. But it's ok..shit happens. Next up Kat's birthday. Quite fun seeing Kat kenna zham by the flour, curry and stuff. Hope she had a great 21st.

Currently life sucks. Yeap. But oh I said..shit happens but it just happens to occur more for me.

Somehow I think whatever I'm doin aint being appreciated but its ok..I guess its a 1-sided thing. And somehow I'm still hanging on to this hope. And it kindof sucks to think that I'm nothing more than an afterthought. But being the SB that I am, I still ain't givin up. But as the days go on..I'm beginning to lose my self-esteem as a guy.

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