Friday, August 15, 2008

Havn't been blogging lately coz' my router spoil.

It's gonna be a rant post.

Before you guys go: "Another rant post", you all can jolly go kiss some random lanjiao. Lim beh write what lim beh wants on lim beh's blog =]


Had a meeting with Jet Lim a couple of days ago. He thinks the group is going nowhere and that there's a high chance we will all fail.

Nabeh Puki. Who was the pua chee bye that handpicked this fuck up group?


Who was the one that knows this group got 2 lanjiao pigs?


So yea. Fucking chee bye. Fucking dulan. If fail...then will eat into our September holidays which I cannot afford. I got night cycling, ac camp and iit school sub comm camp. Fucking bastard.

So from now on..we must report to school every fucking day at 11am and can only leave at 6pm. I seriously don't see what's the fucking point man. Are those air porks still doing work? No.

Going to school for MP is totally a fucking waste of time. I go school at 11..put my bag down and slack with my friends till 4pm and I can still finish what I'm supposed to do for that day.


I absolutely hate it when my brother takes stuff from me. I spent all my remaining money in my bank to buy protein supplements. And guess who is using it?

My brother.

1/2 tub gone. I only took 4 spoonfuls. Fuck. And its been like this for few years. I buy he drink. Told my mum. Its the usual elder brother give in to younger brother shit.


He wears the shirts I buy with my hard-earned money. He wears the shorts I buy with my hard-earned money. He plays the game I buy with my hard-earned money and LOSES it.

And when I got no money. My mum says too bad.

Even the shorts he wears around at home are MINE!

Cheeeeee byeeeeeeee.

I know you fucktards out there are gonna say I'm a selfish bastard but hey...has he bought anything for me?


And I will never forget how he spoiled my $85 quicksilver shirt and $40 berms.

Seriously...I think being the eldest is the shittiest in my family.

I pay for my clothes. He asks my mum for it.

I pay for my driving. He asks my mum for money.

I pay for my overseas trip. He asks my mum for money.



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