Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Merry Christmass to all you r-tards out there!

Its been an eventful weekend for me...

Saturday. Went out to play bball with Shirong and Co. till kanna sunburn.

Sunday. Went out to play bball again with Shirong and Co. till quite late. After that he drove us around in his mercedes. Fun shit. Talked alot of cock..from cars to girls to relationships.

I guess most guys feel the same. In a relationship, we don't really wanna meet our gal 24/7. We want a mature relationship as in like for example if we don't meet up in a week we can still be together and maybe just meet up on the weekends to talk about how each other is doing etc. As long as we know we have he/her in his/her heart then its good enough. Chatted till damn late. Had alot of fun jacking each other.

The army does change a person. All my friends...after going through army...have become more matured in their thinking and stuff like that...like planning for their future paths etc etc. Quite sad doh is leaving soon to study overseas. Will prolly send him off in Feb.

Christmas eve. Watched National Treasure 2 with the AC peeps. Feel that its another da-vinci code rip-off. Was half asleep in the cinema.

Christmas. Had the most bizarre Christmas morning. On my way home, there's this kid that followed me for some distance. But I managed to shake him off. Then...there was a fight between a old man and a young beng. The old man was being beaten up and being the 'good guy' that I am...I decided to confront that punk.

Beng: kaninabeh chao chee bye...wu ji mao zhao (scolding vulgarities at the old man)
Me : Look dude...what's the problem here?
Beng: Kua simi kua...ninabeh chee bye la! (scolding the old man again)
Me : FUCK YOU! When I'm talking to you..you better look at me and answer my question!
Beng: What the fuck is your dai ji?
Me : What the fuck is my problem? You are beating that old man..that's the problem.
Beng: ...he stare at me...
Me : *WTF* The police post is very near here..you want me to call my colleagues down and we have a cup of tea in the police post? (me posing as a policeman)
Beng: No...(clenched fists ready to punch me)
Me : Not happy ar?! Stare at me like that...so young already like that...want me to detain you in lockup?
Beng: ...
Me : Fuck you chee bye!! Answer my question!
Beng: No...
Me : Ok...today is my off day...so why don't you fuck off to the other side of the road and scram out of my sight before I fucking arrest you.
Beng: *Mutters* (and walks off to the other side of the road)
Beng: ....................(walks away)

That's pretty much about it...the old man was already limping off...

What has the world become man??? The beng was only about sec 1 or 2 and he's already like that...what the fuck?? Picking up a fight with a MUTE OLD MAN?? And these kindof idiots are also fucking cowards...the moment I pose as a policeman he diam...WTF man...WTF...if I still in beng mode I think I sure beat him up until he breaks a limb or two...not only that...there were plenty of onlookers...but no mother fucker is willing to step up and help the old man...where's the sense of righteousness in people now? I fear that next time if I'm old and feeble and these kind of hooligans try to make trouble...no one will help me.


What a fucking way to start off my Christmas...

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