Monday, October 13, 2008

Tagged by Alicia..

1.The 1st person who tag/pass you is?

2. your relationship with him/her?
-Poly friend + TBC empire mate.

3. Your five impression of him/her?
1. A little bit retarded
2. A bit retarded
3. Quite retarded
4. Very retarded
5. Extremely retarded

4. the most memorable thing he/she had done for you?
-Nothing..absolutel nothing...

5. the most memorable thing he/she had said to you?
-"我是天才"..which is not true also.

6. you got any wish or request to ask from him/her?
-SEND ME THE PHOTOS!!!!!!!!!!!!

7. as a friend, what he/she has to improve on?
-Lose some weight?

8. if he/she became your enemy, you will?
-Use lightning bolt throw her.

9. if he/she became your enemy, the reason will be?
-She use saliva missile shoot me.

10. the most desired thing you want to do for him/her is?
-Sign her up for english tuition class. =PpP

11. your overall impression of him/her is?
-Siao char bor.

12. How you think people around you will feel about you?
-Sexy. Irresistable. Charismatic. Yeap..the exact opposite of all those. HAHA!

13. the characters you love of yourself are?
-I'm too sexy for my own good. And my eyes release extremely high voltage..that's why all the gals kanna electricuted to death so no galfriends. =]

14. on the contrary, the character you hate yourself are?
-My oh-so-sexy-high-voltage eyes. Read the above.

15. the most ideal person you want to be is?
-Whoever I wanna be.

16. for people who care and like you, say something to them.
-Fuck you. HAHA!

17. Pass this quiz to 10 person that you wish to know how they feel about you .
1) Ahmad <-No blog
2) Nelson <-No blog
3) Ivan <-No blog
4) Alicia
5) Qian <-No blog
6) Lyn
7) Dolyce
8) Matthew <-No blog
9) Randy
10) Jolene

I'm gonna force you guys to do this.

Who is no.6 having a relationship with?
-Wee You..HAHA!!!!!

19. Is no.9 a male or female?
-A mixture of both.

20.If no. 7 and 10 are together, will it be a good thing?
-Yeap..totally made for each other..and they will go 'O-O-O-Ophix'. And I will probably use a parang to chase them. Yea..HA..O LAN JIAO!

21. What is no. 2 studying about?
-The art of wanking and how to be a birdman.

22. When was the last time you had a chat
-Chat with who? Chee bye..

23. What kind of music band does no.8 like?

24. Does no. 1 has any siblings?
-Older sis.

25. Will you woo no.3?

26. How about no.7?
-No neh..I don't like..HAHA

27. Is no.4 Single?
-Guess so..

28. What is the surname of no.5?

29. What's the hobby of no.10?
-Day-dream? I dunno?

30. Does no. 5 and 9 get along well?
-Same class..what you think?

31. Where is no.2 studying at?
-Birdman academy.

32. Talk something casually about no. 1.
-Emo angry retarded black man.

33. Where does no.9 live at?
-Dunno. I'm not a stalker.

34. What colour does no. 4 like?
-Blue. Coz that's the colour of her saliva missiles.

35. Are no.5 and no.1 best friend?
-Friends only.

36. Does no.1 have any pets?
-A dumb cat.

37. Is no.7 the sexiest person in the world?
-No..coz no neh.

38. What is no. 6 doing now?
-no idea.

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